Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Being Responsible

Tomorrow will be my first day of being a responsible adult... why you ask?? quite simple really.

i am going to get a sexual health test, my first infact and i think if your reading this and it has been a year since your last one or youve never had one then go and get one tomorrow!! if your afraid because its your first time then take a friend.. i am :D

STI's and STD's are both rising quickly among the Y Generation and we need to fix it. this is serious shit and you need to be responsible!! Early Detection will save your life!

I have always been a sexual health advocate and tomorrow I will cease being a hypocrite. i will blog tomorrow about how it was and if i'm ok... which i'm probably will be being borderline celebit and all but you must never assume it will all be ok


Calvin xoxo

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

what a lovely day to hate the world

with the rain and wind uprooting trees and ruining houses i thought i better let off some steam to stop that bitch from out doing me.

today i found out that people think i am this pro-gay purely for the sake of causing anarchy. i got told "your making a fuss over a little piece of paper".


the pure ignorance of people just shit me off to no end. i am doing this for a reason, it is what i am passionate about. If Gays in Australia become 100% equal to all heterosexual homospapiens (HIGHLY unlikely!!!!) then i would stilll be fighting for all the other injustices that happen to people based on their sexual orientation around the world.

i dont give a fuck what you think sunshine, wake the fuck up. the media and fundies are like syphilis.... they get into your system undetected and then begin fucking around with your brain untill you can't think properly anymore!!!!!!